
The salary at Beth’s company is $32,000 for someone with no experience and increases by $2700 per year of experience. Write a rule for the salaries for the employees with 0, 2, 5, and 7 years of experience.

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Answer:In general, the salary S in terms of years of experience Y is S = 2700Y + 3200Step-by-step explanation:we start at 32000 without experience.as the experience goes up, the wage increases 2700 per year so we can multiply 2700 by the years of experience to find the increase of salary. To find the salary of a certain employee with a certain amount of experience, plug the years of experience in for Y and solve. for Y=0 S= 2700(0) + 3200 = 0 + 3200 = 0for Y=2S= 2700(2) + 3200 = 5400 + 3200 = 8600for Y=5S= 2700(5) + 3200 = 13500 + 3200 = 16700for Y=7S=2700(7) + 3200 = 2700(5) + 2700(2) + 3200 = 5400 + 13500 + 3200 = 22100